Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our Little Miracle Arrives

Well world, little Eden Garth made his appearance into the world at 9:55 pm on June 26th, 2013! He's officially number ONE for grandbabies on the Sarvey side, and number TWENTY for grandbabies on the Hinton side!! Oh, I know, I know... I created a perfect and beautiful little boy. I'd take all the credit, if Kevin would let me. Haha.

A delivery unlike most, Kevin was a pale trooper through it all and I didn't do too bad myself. Upon his arrival, Eden was quickly wrapped in a blanket and given to Kevin and I to hold. He was beautiful. A perfect little boy, and the smallest little piece of Heaven I have ever seen. Overall, Kevin said that Eden looked a lot like his mother. Something I'm quite proud of in my little man. His little hands were just a little bigger than Kevin's fingernail. We took turns holding him and loving him, and eventually let the rest of our family in to see Eden as well. They all agreed, he was perfect and beautiful. We called him our little "Who", like from Dr. Seuss' novels, because he just was so small and cute.

Needless to say, there were countless moments in the Evergreen hospital that Kev and I will never forget and the biggest one is holding our first child. A baby that is both his and mine, that I nurtured and protected in my body for seven short months.

I guess the secret is out... our baby, Eden, will not be with us in this life. If you followed my other posts, you can probably figure out that this was the news we received at our five month ultrasound. We have known this for the last two months... and were as prepared as we could be (which still wasn't very prepared) when the day came that he left us for his calling above.

Now, I'll explain Kevin and my's mentality about being positive and 'secretive' through this difficult time. We are happy, and we wanted others to be happy about him too. Not happy that he's gone, but happy that he's our son. He is special and perfect... just like we said. He is so special that he didn't have to go through this hard life to return to Heavenly Father's presence. He is so valiant that he already proved himself worthy of that kind of glory. Kevin and I are honored parents to such a being. And we can't wait to raise him in the next life.

Not many people get to go through this experience themselves, and even fewer have to go through it at Kevin's and I's age... but together we're pulling through. It's weird, but there has been a lot of comfort found after having Eden. Like now that he's returned above, he's making sure we're taken care of as well. We still have our bad days, but there's a peace to be found that wasn't there before. Our summer is turning out to have more miracles and blessings than either of us expected. Something we attribute to little Eden.

Look at that brand new Daddy!
Tay's a Mommy? What?!

We are so unbelievably blessed!

1 comment:

  1. What special parents you guys are! I love and miss you guys. Love your writing and the blog Tay :)
