Thursday, September 20, 2012


So it appears that I am starting a blog again. We'll see how long it lasts, but I felt that I needed a way to communicate the things of my soul and the things that are going on in my life.

It's been a crazy past few months, full of surprises, tears, laughs, and happiness. I went from being single and looking for a man to being married and spoiled by a dashing man. Who would've thought that would've happened to little old me in a matter of a year after High School? Other than Colby Baker, I hope not many although I'm pretty darn happy with the choice I made in a man.

But... being 19 and having a husband... is weird. It's just a weird predictament to have all your friends be single and you be the odd one out. The topics of conversation seems to change with people, and all of a sudden everyone thinks you're making love 24/7, or that everything you say can be taken the wrong way. I love Kevin so much and I'm so much happier here in this lonesome territory of Utah with him having the same home as me. It's just people. People. People.

You know what though? Life is great. I may not have girlfriends to talk to most weeks, and I may only be talking to one person everyday, but I am happy. Goodness BYU is hard, and classes are a drag, but I am happy. I have been blessed. I can't believe the goodness in the Lord in providing me with such a path to travel on. It's not the easiest track, but... it's what the Lord designed for me. I may have not wanted to be married my first year in college, but I was. And now I have family down in Utah, instead of only in Minnesota. Family. The only unit I have ever grown to love and trust. The inspiration of my poems and books! Family! The Lord must've known I needed this unit even here... so he sent me a fellow named Kevin.