Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A New Kind of Package

I know this may seem like a random thing to post after just barely talking about being a newlywed in my last post, but I'M PREGNANT!

Silliness in me, I never have blogged since my first post, but I'm actually 5 months along. This semester of school can honestly be categorized as my hardest semester thus far... I've endured morning sickness and hot flashes a lot. Kevin has been a trooper thoughout all of this though and has continued spoiling me throughout.

You would think that since I'm finally done with classes as well as my first trimester most of my worries and pain are gone. However, 5 months along and you get this thing called an ultrasound. Normally it's a happy go lucky ultrasound as it normally tells you the gender of the baby. Ours didn't turn out that way...

After two hours of just hearing that something was abnormal with our baby, we finally got the diagnosis. I would share it, but we love our baby... and so Kevin and I have decided to keep it private to most and to just leave it with people that we are having a very special baby. It's still a happy time, right? I mean... I'M HAVING A BABY!! With the diagnosis or not, this baby is mine and Kevin's and we are eternally thankful for our little one.

Anywho, we never got the gender that day... but after an amniocentesis and three days, we got the news that we are having a SON. We already have a name for him, and are so proud of this little guy. He's a strong one says the doctor, but we already knew that.

Now it's all a matter of time and faith. Faith that there is someone that cares upstairs and that will help Kevin and me along. I guess my religion teacher was right, "If Family is the most important thing to you, you can bet that the Family is where the Adversary will try to hurt you the most."

I just got to keep the head held high and a smile on my face, right?! Right. Kevin and I are doing great... although I know that I have a lot more breakdowns these days, Kevin always is there to help and encourage me. We know we are loved by so many, and are so blessed by those individuals. Sweet mercies, indeed.

This is just one of those moments in life, where you can either go backwards or leap forwards... Kevin is going for the leap and he's holding my hand, so I guess I'm going to go for it too!

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